Let’s travel to a 3d digital place.
Welcome to my 3d imaginary forest, where we can still dream & relax. The 20’s COVID Quarantine has shown us once again that we crave what we cannot have. During this period, we requestioned our lifestyle & ourselves. This project reminds us of the beauty and importance of being in contact with the essential: our raw environment.
The versatility of 3D Digital Environment Design.
The magic thing about designing environments digitally in full CGI, is the freedom we have to explore and manipulate the virtual scenario. We artists, become the ‘gods’ of this imaginary place. We can shape it whenever and however we want, until the desired result is achieved. There’s no need to wait for the ‘perfect’ conditions to shoot outdoors with a real camera in that ‘inaccessible’ location. Let’s just do it with a computer remotely.
Even if 6 months later we forgot to do that extra shot, we can go back to that same staged place, and reshoot with exactly the same conditions, as if we could timetravel almost. And wait! Just a minor change please. Let’s remove the mountain behind that tree, make it rain a bit, and add more wind to the animation. DONE!
3d environments give us the fexibility that content creators were always looking for.
Once the digital world is designed, we can animate, explore, take pictures and film like in real life.
Enjoy the view.
Feel the heat.
Experience the cold.

Thank you for watching :)